Shayna Kay

Shayna Kay

Shayna Kay is a member of the Sri Aurobindo Association’s Web Advisory Board.

She first visited the Sri Aurobindo Ashram in Pondicherry, India, in 2009 and entered the path of Integral Yoga, inspiring a reconnection with vocal jazz music, visual arts, nutrition and holistic health, and hatha yoga.

In 2011, she moved from Toronto to Kolkata, India, where she studied North Indian classical raga music with vocalist Pandit Shantanu Bhattaycharyya and sang with his choir for many years. Shayna completed her hatha yoga teacher training at the Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Ashram in Neyyar Dam, India, in 2014, and in subsequent years she returned to the ashram as a teacher training assistant to help train aspiring yogis.

Shayna has taught hatha yoga at many events including the 2018 AUM Integral Yoga conference at Matagiri, upstate New York, as well as during her travels throughout India, Canada, and Japan.