Lynda Lester

Lynda Lester

Lynda Lester is a director of the Sri Aurobindo Association, a member of SAA’s Web Advisory Board, and a member of the editorial and design team for Collaboration journal.

Lynda was president of SAA for 11 years, edited the Integral Yoga journal Collaboration for 10 years, and has given numerous presentations on yoga around the U.S. She co-organized three AUM Integral Yoga conferences, provided support for many other AUMs, and is a member of the AUM Continuity Team. She also served on the board of Auroville International USA and co-moderated the Integral Yoga Forum listserv from 2000–2004. Several of her presentations are available online: Our Many Selves, The Union of Spirit and Matter, and From Sri Aurobindo to the Grateful Dead.

In her professional life, she was a writer/editor for 16 years at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado, where she managed communications on scientific computing, high-performance networking, and big data. She now lives in Lodi, California, where she pursues writing projects and participates in the extended Bay Area Integral Yoga community.